Walnut Farm Fisheries, Attleborough

Attleborough is a small, historic town in Southern Norfolk and the location of the perfect rural countryside that is so iconic for Norfolk villages. It is also the home of a picturesque little fishery named Walnut Farm fisheries. This idyllic and cosy venue is a perfect rural retreat for anglers of all ages and all levels of expertise. It enjoys quite a good reputation amongst Norfolk anglers, and is a popular location for local anglers. The venue is characterised by a lot of wonderful surroundings, a cosy natural atmosphere, plenty of  features on the waters and of course, a good choice of fish to angle. Norfolk anglers will certainly love to hear about this venue, but anglers from all over the UK would do well to visit it as well, especially if your journeys get you down Norfolk way.

2 Lakes

Walnut Farm Fisheries consists of two medium sized lakes, both of which have distinct features and characteristics, providing two distinct angling experiences. The larger water is the Canal lake, a water that is characterized by narrow swims and high banks. It is almost entirely pole length, and has deep margins and a lot of reed bed features. It carries some basic stocks of carp, as well as a lot of chubb, which is quite easy to catch. For Walnut Farm, the Canal Lake acts as a match lake on certain days, so it is a good choice if you are looking to get competitive with some mates.
The smaller lake is less than an acre in size and called The Back Lake, but offers excellent fishing compared to the larger water. This is a mature lake full of natural features and offers quite a rewarding and challenging angling experience. The choice of specimen carp is noticeably better here with heads of carp going up to 20 lbs and more. This lake features an island at its further end, and also a lot of lily pads and reed beds all over, providing a good surface for angling tactics. On site there is ample parking space which is luckily quite near the Canal Lake. There are some restrictions for baits including boilies and peanuts, so plan accordingly.


The larger Canal Lake has a total of 31 pegs, some of which are wide and efficient, while some are quite narrow. The Back Lake has a total of 15 pegs. This is tolerable for a venue of this type, and if it is a slow day you can expect plenty of space and quiet time to enjoy your angling. Moreover, the fishery is situated in perfect natural surroundings, being completely surrounded by tree lines and copses, with plenty of growth all around. If you enjoy a natural ambience when angling, this venue will be the one for you. Further information and day tickets can be procured from J&M Tackle in Attleborough so don’t hesitate to give them a visit. This cozy little venue can be quite surprising and enjoyable, especially in the summer season.


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